Why MetalOre

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Why MetalOre

Over the years leading Indian as well as international Steel manufacturers have established strong partnerships with MetalOre for some very sound reasons:

Source for niche needs

MetalOre caters to the growing demand for a range of international quality steel products, from global sources. Long-standing relationships with international names, has made this possible.

Apart from ready-to-pick-up warehouse stocks, our strategic partnerships globally, enable us source specific materials from across the world.

Just-in-time deliveries

Recognising the need to keeping client inventory costs low, just-in-time delivery is a service offering that has been perfected over the years.

Our network of Forwarding Agents and warehouses across the country, ensure low stocking inventories at our client’s locations.

Business integrity

In a scenario where bad debts abound, carefully choosing clients who honour commitments has become paramount. Financial stability.

This has been achieved by astutely reducing turnover, while managing recoveries & inventories.

360 solutions

MetalOre today pursues emerging partnership opportunities in manufacturing sectors, that call for needs that go beyond mere procurement, to assistance in associated areas as well.



Vision & Mission

Our vision is to position MetalOre as the preferred partner in infrastructure development. Today, MetalOre is a vibrant organisation, with a strong focus on growth, supported by one of the most experienced and capable teams in the steel business.


For more details on Metal Ore Products and products Enquiry, please get in touch with us.

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